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Search results

  1. S

    BCPNP or Arranged Employment+PR

    Hi, my background is that, im from UK, here with my common law girlfriend of 5 years. We are both on 1 year BUNAC visas(Exp. Oct), I work in IT as a support technician in BC, category B on the NOC list. I have a diploma and over 4 years experience in similar rolls, where the same duties where...
  2. S

    Working Holiday Visa Extension

    Hi, Having read this today http://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/piq...ORK+VISAS+1439 i got quite frustrated. The australian foreign worker programme has been allowed to extend their visas for up to 2 years. I am on a BUNAC work authorisation visa, which is only valid for a year. It would have been...