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Search results

  1. Vipul Kapur


    Submitted my profile in EOI (Score 72) on 13th August 2018 Overall CRS 305 - NOC 1122 - EE profile submitted 25th July 2018 Is it worth waiting ??? Any Luck ??? Any chance in any other province. Please guide
  2. Vipul Kapur

    PEI PNP EOI Notification

    Submitted my profile in EOI (Score 72) on 13th August 2018 - Overall CRS 305 - NOC 1122. Is it worth waiting. Any Luck ??? Any chance in any other province. Please guide
  3. Vipul Kapur

    R u waiting for AINP nomination

    Hi Guys. Can someone please tell me how can I know my AINP application status. It's urgent please. Any online link or phone number please?
  4. Vipul Kapur

    R u waiting for AINP nomination

    6 Sales and service occupations
  5. Vipul Kapur

    R u waiting for AINP nomination

    Hi Guys, Please let me know what's the time period for AINP nomination. The file was submitted in November 1st week 2017.