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  1. anie25

    DD in Canadian Dollar in India - Help needed

    And one more query, does taking a DD take a long time to get cleared by the bank in canada? what is the best way to carry your money? Is it advisable to open a canadian account onlone, from india and then wiretransfer the money? Thankss
  2. anie25

    DD in Canadian Dollar in India - Help needed

    Guys one question, im getting my DD from HDFC bank.so the DD should be in my name and the currency in CAD only? Thankss
  3. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    I don’t think so ‍♀️ They will focus more on the full coverage of the stay i am affraid..
  4. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    Hi royun So i was staying here in same address for three years and after inline attempt which got rejected i went there myself and explained and took my husband as well...they tend to listen more to a hindi speaking person..eventhough the officer tent to try and niglect giving me pcc for full...
  5. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    To support the update, i also took my husband with me (he is indian national) at the FRRO and requested again to do the pcc for my entire stay not half of it. They checked online my first stay visa issued till date and despite the fact i have left the country in between they gave pcc for full stay.
  6. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    For your case you can not get it from India, you should approach an indian mission/embassy where you are currently staying. Go there with your OCI and they will give it to you. If indian embassy in kuwait won’t give it you can try through indian embassy in canada then since you are resident...
  7. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    You can obtain a visa from india only if you are registered in the frro here and have continually staied here more then six months since your registration. Luckily i had my stay visa still valid (eventhough i had just got OCI) they granted me the pcc. Have you staied in India?when and for how long?
  8. anie25

    how easy it is to get a job as a civil engineer in Canada?

    HI, thanks a lot for the advice. i would really like to find a suitable job as soon as possible, even though i know it is going to be tough in the beginning. When you apply for jobs do they cut you straight away because you don't have a local experience? how should i start approaching companies...
  9. anie25

    how easy it is to get a job as a civil engineer in Canada?

    Can You suggest in which other cities might be easier to get e job as a civil engineer? (though as a starting im open to any job)
  10. anie25

    how easy it is to get a job as a civil engineer in Canada?

    Hi Amit Have not got yet the pr, now i am in the process and waiting. So cant tell anything yet. Hope it won’t be that difficult for us there. Ill keep u updated.
  11. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    no it does not mention any address, just my visa number and my registration with FRRO number. the purpose of issuing the certificate and the validity of the certificate (just three months after being issued)
  12. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    Hi guys, finally i also took my PCC from the FRRO. I had reapplied on 19th of Sept. and since it was taking long (more than a week to be processed) i decided to go and check myself. Seeing me there they did the PCC in the moment, but again not for the full stay, only since my last visa date...
  13. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    I wish you all the best and that your application gets approved soon. :) Please write here whenever you will get a final answer from them. My final date of submission is 22 october, till then ill do whatever i can to get the PCC. All the best. Cheers
  14. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    I wish you all the best and that your application gets approved soon. :) Please write here whenever you will get a final answer from them. My final date of submission is 22 october, till then ill do whatever i can to get the PCC. All the best. Cheers
  15. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    Yes its maddening. Me and my husband are running from one office to the other and nobody knows what to do, they just keep sending us here and there. now i clearly know that the police station of district police doesn't issue one, the info in cic website is not correct as you said. As per the...
  16. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    I have already a profile in frro portal, did all the procedure of form filling and document uploading. After some days i get a response: aplication cancelled. I got so surprised. Visisted the office and they told me aaa you are an oci holder...we dont give pcc to oci holders only your embassy...
  17. anie25

    how to get India pcc for OCI holders living in India?

    Hi Ranjan Any luck getting your PCC? I am in the same trouble am holding an OCI card and FRRO of delhi won’t issue me a PCC. Even the district police of the place i reside doesn’t know how to do the process. Did u manage to do so? Thanksss
  18. anie25

    Landed four months ago - Experience so far

    very nice post, i am also planning to apply for a PR for Canada, through some agency, but am still very apprehensive about the after fact. I am a civil engineer from Albania, Europe, but currently residing in india, married to an indian citizen. So we want to shift either in Australia or Canada...
  19. anie25

    how easy it is to get a job as a civil engineer in Canada?

    hi everyone, am new to this forum, and have some questions related the landing in Canada. I am a civil engineer with approximately 5 years of experience, and this year i am thinking to apply for a PR to enter Canada. Can you please share information on how easy/difficult is to find a job as...