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  1. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Please update my entry: name: koziamorda1 Oath letter date: July 05 Oath ceremony: July 26 Edmonton! Thank you!
  2. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Finally! My status have been updated to decision made! User: koziamorda1 Edmonton office: Test: 21 March Decision made: 30 June Please update the spreadsheet. Thank you.
  3. koziamorda1

    Reschedule the citizenship test

    I had exactly the same situation. Received email on January 29 for the test date February 13th. Submitted reschedule request with dates when I am traveling through webworm and sent email directly to local office (Edmonton). Both ways worked and I received confirmations from both. Got rescheduled...
  4. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Please update my record: ID: koziamorda1 Rescheduled the test, letter sent on February 23 and new test date is March 21 ECAS has only a line that the letter was sent and it did not state the new test day, I learnt about new test date only from the paper letter I received in mail. Also, I have...
  5. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Hello, Need advice! I am out of country for the test date :eek: Have to reschedule. What is the best way to do it? a) to reply to the test invite email with reschedule request (goes to local Edmonton IRCC office, I suppose) b) to submit Web Form with the same request (I assume it goes to Sydney...
  6. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    I think we just witnessing "The Backlog"! starting to pile up.
  7. koziamorda1

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    Please update my entry, Name: koziamorda1 In Preocess: December 06 "started processing your application on December 6, 2017." Thank you.
  8. koziamorda1

    born in USSR confusion

    I absolutely agree with you. I think you provided exhaustive explanation. Also, a good reminder to very carefully study your official document, and usually you will find all the answers there in official records :)
  9. koziamorda1

    born in USSR confusion

    From personal experience: I was born in Russia (during USSR existence) and always written in any CIC applications the place of birth - "Russia", and all my documents issued by CIC list USSR as place of birth. I assume that there must be an algorithm in their programs that converts things "USSR"...
  10. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    I will be filling my application this week 8) so once new application forms are out I will ctrl-C ctrl-v everything and will send it immediately once Bill C-6 is implemented :P
  11. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    People, do not get to excited! The process is still long ;) here is excerpt from here: lop.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/Education/ourcountryourparliament/html_booklet/process-passing-bill-e.html ...... 3 COMMITTEE STAGE At the Committee Stage, the bill is studied carefully. Committee members...
  12. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    The only thing that I inferred from the committee meeting today that it is absolutely not clear what is going to happen during the meeting tomorrow. Although, we will learn very soon :)
  13. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    Minister is in and answering questions right now, still half an hour to go till the end of today
  14. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    about right for appeal. The other guy spoke against many things that are essence of C-6 (language, physical presence and such) Now questions are in progress
  15. koziamorda1

    Bill C-6: Senate stage

    They are pushing for amendments right now :(