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  1. V

    help. Passport requirement - lima Peru

    Gracias Gracias por tu respuesta. Estoy muy confundida... el correo sólo me pide adjuntar pasaporte y carta... vfs global por telefono me dice que adjunto lo antes mencionado y una carta de consentimiento... Y por la página dice que para solicitudes iniciadas en línea... esa parte no...
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    help. Passport requirement - lima Peru

    please. A few days ago I received the mail for which I require the passport, I am asked to attach the letter and my passport. Now I am out of lima and I want to send my sister to leave the requested. Does anyone know what other document I should send ?. By phone they tell me that the process is...
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    Income requirements

    The most important thing is not to have been a burden for the government. And prove that your husband will not either.
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    Income requirements

    Attach your tax returns and a letter stating the money you have for your maintenance. Was a case in which the sponsor had no job (he did not work for about 6 months) and in his letter indicated that he had already got one and started in a few months.
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    Income requirements

    They do not ask for a total of income but if the taxes of the last years
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Gracias por la info!. En un inicio se suponía que sería 1 mes pero luego cambiamos el pasaje a dos y mas(regreso a Perú el 5 de junio, llegue a Canadá 16 de marzo)... pensaria en regresar para inciios de octubre...Y tbien pasaje para dos meses.
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Hola Carito! Estoy en Edmonton. Quiero regresar a Perú... realmente prefiero estar allá hasta que pase todos los malestares... o sea no podría volver a ingresar con visa? Como es eso??? Como para plantearle eso al abogado cuando hablemos con él. Realmente no confío para nada en ese abogado...
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Tengo visa de turista entradas múltiples a Canadá así que puedo venir después. Lo que me preocupa a lo que dices sobre avisarle a cic. Recién mañana será el primer análisis médico así que luego de eso hablaremos con el abogado (que realmente no sirve para nada) para ver nuestras opciomes
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Gracias Carito! Yo no tendría problemas con la espera (ahora tengo visa de turista y puedo ir y venir a Canadá )... pero hace unas semanas me hice un test de embarazo y salió positivo... acá estoy por hacerme mi primer chequeo que es caro y en unas semanas regreso a Perú. .. pero no se si está...
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    You are married to the first woman If you have made another marriage to the second you would have committed a crime (bigamy). You can not sponsor the second woman under common law partner since you are married and not single. Is in serious trouble better consult a good family lawyer, to have him...
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    LIMA OUTLAND 2017 - processing time for final stage

    Gracias por tu respuesta. Tengo que adjuntar un examen medico, recien este viernes me haran un cheque medico, solo hice un test casero. Como es eso de la cobertura? sabes donde puedo averiguar sobre eso. porque fuimos a su family doctor pero tuve que pagar como si no tuviese seguro. Muchas...
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    Applying outside of Canada (Hong Kong)

    Waiting to have the approval of the sponsor, and you should not stay longer than the time they give you as a visitor, would really jeopardize your application. You should always buy a return ticket.
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    Application Help

    gckey? I am in the same situation, I still can not link my application to my account ... for ECAS two months I have to enter
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    Application Help

    check the process time for your country...Next step is the approval of the sponsor, Usually less than 30 days ... depends on each country
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    Now? how? I'm supposed to have 6 weeks, on May 19th I'll have an ultrasound
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  17. V

    Please help

    - Do you have family or property in Canada?
  18. V

    Question about visitor extension + passport.

    She can write in Chinese and then send to translate, it will be good to be a notary.
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    i think there's a forum about that... a list of question. good luck!