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  1. M


    Is there not an all encompassing spreadsheet to see how long applications are taking that are finishing up now and going forward? Also, couldn't find a December specific thread for Vienna.
  2. M


    Hi All, My application was received by CIC on Dec. 13, confirmed on Dec. 23 and approval as a sponsor on Jan. 11. We are now waiting for processing in Vienna. Is there a spreadsheet somewhere I can add my details to and see the rolling processing times? Cheers
  3. M


    The spreadsheet in the signature holds December's submissions. Is there one that extends further back to get a feel for how long things are taking?
  4. M


    Hi there, My application was received Dec. 13 2016. The application is for my partner living in Germany. I have been told this means that the application will be processed in Vienna. Is there a google doc I can enter my information into and also get a feel for how long applications took to be...
  5. M

    Foreign Notary

    I called the info line and they indicated a local foreign notary suffices along with all of the other signing authorities (e.g. judge, commissioner of oath, etc.).
  6. M

    Foreign Notary

    Quick question: My common-law partner and I are going to be submitting an outland application for Western Europe and as such need to get our Statutory Declaration of Common Law Union notarized. Does this need to be at a local Canadian Embassy or can we use a more local notary based out of the...
  7. M

    Outland Application Immigration Guide

    I have a couple questions regarding information provided in the Immigration Guide for Western Europe. 1. Appendix A - 7. Identity and Civil Status Documents: is this required for only those family members being sponsored, or the sponsored applicant's immediate family even if not being...
  8. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Well, thank you all very much. I can't believe how far astray I was led by the info line. You've saved me a ton of headaches in the future.
  9. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Really. I thought that was a shot in the dark. That just opened up some doors because she wanted to actually get there earlier for a wedding. If she went to Germany early and I joined her some days later, as long as I join her there before the year mark, we should be good?
  10. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Any thoughts on if I went with her to Germany to satisfy the one year of cohabitation?
  11. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    You've convinced me. We'll have to replan her scheduled visit. If we are unable to see the notary before she does leave, does a German notary work instead of the Canadian Consulate?
  12. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    We are still cohabiting if she is just going to Germany for a visit and returns out of status. I don't see why the leave day is so critical. And we do have a strong application having known each other for 5+ years and 3+ years of dating with pictures, flight tickets and Skype history, so there...
  13. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Really. Does she need to stay one day beyond her Visa status? I mean what's the difference if she leaves on a trip for a couple of days in the middle of our living together and flying out a day early? or if she flies out and then comes back soon after, whether she has status or not, we're still...
  14. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Ya two separate notaries. We aren't officially common law until the day she flies out, which is early Sat morning. So figured this was the easiest work around.
  15. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Awesome. We have a very solid case for proving the relationship with years of pictures flight tickets and the rest, so I feel quite confident about that piece. One last question (For real this time, I hope!). Does the notary she goes to in Germany have be from the Canadian Consulate or can she...
  16. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Sorry, the disregarded question below had been answered, although it is not clear why having status is so important on the day of application or during the processing period when we can prove status over a full year living together? It seems there is a bit of discrepancy between Canuck and...
  17. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    We were intending to do extend her stay, but from reading the material it seemed like it was not possible to change conditions and extend a stay as a visitor with the Working Holiday Visa. Also, that if we did, any Implied Status was lost with her traveling out of the country. For an outland...
  18. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Just realized my grammatical error above: "BOTH" should read "NEITHER". I apologize for any confusion.
  19. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    Man. I guess I should confirm other information she gave me. Given that we are applying as Common Law, and her status ends the day we officially become common law, does this present any barriers to an outland application? The representative said that it didn't because BOTH status and...
  20. M

    Common Law Sponsorship after living together with Working Holiday Visa

    That's what I thought. It was actually a CIC representative from calling their info line that said that to me. I asked her like 3 times because I was pretty sure it was wrong. I got a hold of an outland application spreadsheet that has 2015 data indicating that for Vienna 20% of spouse...