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  1. S

    Adult nd minor application form

    So there are 1 citizenship application form for adults which is under subsection 5 (1) But for minors there are 2 citizenship application forms one is under subsection 5 (1) and the other is under subsection 5 (2) ??? What is the difference between both forms for minors applying?, also for...
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    ELT as a proof of language in citizenship application

    I have an ELT (Enhanced Language Training) certificate from Peel Multicultural Council that states that I achieved CLB of 6 in listening, 6 in speaking, 7 in reading, 8 in writing and this is funded from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. HOWEVER, I do not find ELT listed among certificates...
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    Forgot to write my name on the back of citizenship photo

    Hello, I forgot to write my name on the back of citizenship photo and I sent application already. Would this return application to me or I can sign it at interview test maybe later?
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    when Bill C-6 going to be implemented?

    I have read many posts about this but all with different opinions.. Some say by June 2016.. Others say by end of 2016.. Others say next year or even in 2018.. If anyone knows approximate estimate wpuld be great.. Thank youu..
  5. S

    Super Visa

    Hello, I am protected person and a permanent resident since 1 year now, I will apply super visa for my mom and dad to come visit me here. Does my status here as a refugee PR has any bad effect on officer decision when issue visa for my mom and dad?. They run a business in our homeland and have...