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    Post e-APR Process and Common Reasons for Rejection

    Hey Bill, can you kindly please clarify: Is A40 completed post-A11 or after all security/BGC processes are finalized? And, lastly, when does the BGC start for CEC-Inland? Can I assume it’s only initialized once the eligibility is passed?
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    GCMS shows 'Security Screening' and waiting... - let's gather here!

    How come some folks receive their GCMS notes prior to others that submitted their ATIP earlier? I submitted my request April 3, and still haven’t received anything. I’ve called and e-mail twice. Nothing. I’ve seen 2-3 other people on the forum have receive their notes before me
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    GCMS Notes Delayed

    Hey everyone, Are there delays for GCMS notes at the moment?
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    March 2018 AOR - join here!

    Aloha all – quick update: CRS: 471 Class: CEC-Inland ITA: 2018-Mar-14 AOR: 2018-Mar-30 MEP/NA1: 2018-Apr-11 IP2: 2018-Apr-12 ADR: 2018-Apr-27 GCMS notes scheduled to arrive tomorrow, and upon review, will submit ADR. Also spoke to agent on Monday: BGC in-progress, then to VO for final review
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    Fellow March 2018 applicants, CRS: 479 Class: CEC-Inland EE Created: 2017-Jul-07 ITA: 2018-Mar-14 AOR/NA1: 2018-Mar-30 MEP: 2018-Apr-11 IP2: 2018-Apr-11 Can you please add me to the Whatsapp group?
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    Reasons for Rejection

    The problem is you didn't provide sufficient information in your original post to provide an informed response. Like mentioned earlier, it depends if you are bound to a province by a PNP - whether you are inland or outland, or at which stage of the application you might be in. Since you later...
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    CEC Work experience

    Because obviously, T4's, Pay Stubs, Notice of Assessments & Records of Employment are the most bona fide evidence that would support work experience claimed under a CEC application. Anyone can just print some words on letter head, but IRCC can verify work experience through these, as they have...
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    Reasons for Rejection

    You're kidding, right? Why on earth would you think that moving could be a reason for rejection? So, no, you can move a hundred thousand times, they might get irritated updating the address by the 3rd or 4th time but people move all the time. Specially here in Vancouver where the housing market...
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    PR application refusal

    After a review of your letter of work experience (as you submitted above) and the NOC 6311 NOC primary work duties; I would infer that the reason for refusal is because the duties on your letter of experience are literally copy and pasted word-for-word from the NOC 6311 main duties. This likely...
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    understanding GCMS notes

    Yeah, this is not accurate at all. Ottawa CPC undoubtedly checks for all FSW, CEC & PNP A11.2 requirements, regardless of provincial nomination or not. In fact, there are many applicants with EE PNPs that are rejected due to gaps in information, or NOC mismatches. Immigration is a federal...
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    CPC Ottawa e-mail for EE

    Good day folks, Do any of you know the exact e-mail for the Ottawa CPC for Express Entry applications? I know there's the CPC-CTD-Ottawa@cic.gc.ca, but are there any other specific addresses for our Express Entry applications? I'm submitting my revised Letter of Work Experience. Your help is...
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    understanding GCMS notes

    Are anyone else's GCMS notes delayed? They seem to be struggling at the moment. Ordered notes: May 19, were supposed to arrive today, June 17. Still waiting...anyone else in the same boat?
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    AOR APRIL 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    Thanks for the previous clarification, that was very helpful. I just have one more question: Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't step 9.) suggest that if the first round of eligibility check are a pass, and the application is not rejected, then a change into BG Check very potentially implies...
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    Case processing after uploading delayed FBI PCC

    Hey all, Just curious if anyone knew or had any experience with how long it takes for your file to have any movement once the requested FBI PCC is uploaded? My due date is not until July 13th, but I uploaded it shortly after it was requested on May 13th and now... Just waiting, like...
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    AOR APRIL 2016 >>> JOIN HERE

    Right on, and how would you say this would differ from say...an inland PNP applicant?
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    Background Check from "Not Started to Not Needed at This Time"

    This inquiry has already been brought forth (recently), and a more detailed discussion is available at the link below: http://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/my-background-check-wentt-from-in-progress-to-not-needed-at-this-time-t385125.0.html
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    FBI US PCC which applications are currently being processed ?

    Hey guys! I received an ITA on the previous round Feb 10, based on PNP (& CEC). My FBI PCC just arrived at the processing centre on Feb 20, and I feel like it's going to be an eternal wait. So – should I submit my application sooner, rather than later? Or wait until the 59th(ish) day to send...
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    Reasons for Rejection

    Hi guys! Two quick questions: I just received my ITA for EE in both {BC}PNP & CEC on February 10th. 1.) I completed my medical on July 9th, 2015 - technically the six-month validity period that CIC is requesting would have expired the (recently) passed 9th of February. My complete submission...
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    Two EE PNP/CEC case-specific questions

    Howdy folks, Hope this message finds you all well. I just received my ITA for EE in both {BC}PNP & CEC on February 10th. 1.) I completed my medical on July 9th, 2015 - technically the six-month validity period that CIC is requesting would have expired the (recently) passed 9th of February. My...