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  1. M

    Posting again - important question regarding just-received COPR forms

    Posting this again as my previous post about it was buried down the page pretty quickly. So, we finally received our COPR forms for my partner's residency today, which is just so exciting, but we are wondering about something. We've checked through the details and everything looks great...
  2. M

    COPR - a couple questions! Why listed twice?

    Also, has anybody ever detailed the different elements of the COPR forms? Some bits are a bit confusing, though everything seems to be in order.
  3. M

    COPR - a couple questions! Why listed twice?

    Very excited to receive COPR for my partner today! We've checked through the details and everything looks great. However, just wondering why her name is listed twice on the cover sheet, with all details the same except for the field that says "Type". One number listed is IMM5785, the other...
  4. M

    2015 April-Outland spousal application

    Hi everyone, So over a month ago we received an email that effectively confirmed that my partner's PR had been confirmed. They gave us a date to arrive by (March 1) and asked that we send some new photos and scans of my partner's passport, and explained that we would be receiving the final...
  5. M

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    I need some help. I'm sponsoring my partner, and we're both based in New Zealand. For some reason our file was handled by the Ottawa office, but now that we're in the final stages it seems the Sydney office is now handling our file. Over a month ago we received an email effectively confirming...
  6. M

    In the final stages and have an important question

    Any idea what number to call? I looked up the Sydney CIC office and found an enquiry form but no phone number. Thanks!
  7. M

    In the final stages and have an important question

    Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for the help! Some weeks ago my partner (who I'm sponsoring) received an email from CIC letting her know the application was more or less approved, and they had a date to arrive by. They made it clear this still had to be finalised, and were requesting some...
  8. M

    The end is in sight at last! COPR Questions.

    Hi, So after so many months we've finally heard from CIC that our application seems to be in its final phases. They've asked us for some additional photos and copies of my partner's passport (I'm sponsoring her) as well as some simple info. I have some questions: 1. The expiry date for the...
  9. M

    Seeking details/clarity on landing (important)

    I can see how it might be a problem if her ticket was one way... but surely a return ticket (and, say, a week spent in Canada) would back up our story. Potentially she could take with her evidence of our planned move a few months later.
  10. M

    Seeking details/clarity on landing (important)

    Hi everyone, Just trying to clarify a couple things. It's been suggested to me previously that it's absolutely acceptable for my partner (who I am sponsoring) to travel to Canada alone to "land", then just stay a couple days or a week, return back here to New Zealand, for us to properly plan...
  11. M

    Question regarding medicals and the deadline for landing in Canada. Please help!

    Also... what happens in cases where the PR takes over a year for CIC to process? The medicals would have expired. Would they just request new medicals? What happens if they grant PR with only a couple weeks to spare? Would they extend the deadline?
  12. M

    Question regarding medicals and the deadline for landing in Canada. Please help!

    If my partner did fly in to land, would she need to wait around til her PR card arrived or could she leave straight away, say a day or two later, with both of us properly relocating to Canada a couple months later on? We're in New Zealand, which is a visa-exempt country.
  13. M

    Question regarding medicals and the deadline for landing in Canada. Please help!

    Hi there, I'm sponsoring my partner and our application is, at last, "In Process". If all goes according to the normal schedule it seems like we'll have a decision made by mid-late December. Now, I've only just found out that the deadline for landing in Canada seems to be based entirely on the...
  14. M

    2015 April-Outland spousal application

    Thanks for the info. When you say everyone has been getting this email - do you mean EVERYONE? Like is this just an automated thing and we don't actually have to give them anything specifically? Our application was very thorough but I guess it couldn't hurt to find more info to give them anyway...
  15. M

    2015 April-Outland spousal application

    Hello everyone. So our application FINALLY went to "In Process" last week (being processed by the Ottawa branch, despite the fact that we're in New Zealand). Good news! But - now there's been a request for more information. Most of what they ask for we've already given them so we can...
  16. M


    Congrats! Just curious - when you write both Ottawa and Sydney for your visa office, does that mean you expected Sydney but got Ottawa instead? That's what's happened to my partner and I. Have no idea why. We're in New Zealand.
  17. M

    2015 April-Outland spousal application

    We're in the same boat. Our application was received April 14th, and I received SA on May 13th. Application was then sent to Ottawa (even though we expected Sydney, which is the Visa office we put on our forms due to our being in New Zealand) and haven't heard anything since. Under my partner's...
  18. M

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Huh. I wonder how they choose. Was really quite surprised when I saw Ottawa on the letter.
  19. M


    Wow, September? That seems like it's taking quite a long time. I wonder if the Sydney office is going quicker for people. Then again I guess there are so many variables, it's hard to say. No two applicants would have the same experience. We didn't need to give them a police check... the NZ...
  20. M

    Thread For applications Through SYDNEY (AUSTRALIA) Office

    Anybody else end up getting processed by Ottawa when you expected Sydney? We're in New Zealand. It seemed that Sydney was definitely the office for us, yet two weeks ago when I got SA the letter suggested we'd be processed by Ottawa. Any thoughts?