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  1. S

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    Interesting kkkJo, I received request for re-medical on the 17th and then a following email yesterday as well which requests proof that I reside in Canada :P Same case worker or what? :P And yes you can email them.
  2. S


    No, unfortunately our ECAS is one of those awesome ones that still only state Application received August 2014. I get a feeling I sent in the one from the doctor without scanning a copy of it :(
  3. S


    Question for everyone? I applied August 2014. Had SA since Dec 2014(mistake at CIC) I finally received a request from CIC: "Medical: Complete or provide proof of completion of the Immigration medical examination. " Does this mean they have never received our upfront medical(which is now...
  4. S


    I mean if you authorized your spouse to be able to call in or request info on you via the Use of Representative form. As I said I had my spouse(the applicant) fill that out so that I(the sponsor) could call in to the call centre and try to extract info. Now that that call centre is useless, it...
  5. S


    The double address box thing is most likely because you either sent in the form that Authorizes use of representative with, or after, your application filing. I received it after they received mine use of Authorization for my spouse, the applicant, to authorize me as representative. In that...
  6. S

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    Interesting, did your husband actually ask at the border or did the agent just mention he saw the application in process? Interesting because as you said, your notes don't show any movement on anything, though your notes are basically 27 days old :P
  7. S

    AUGUST 2014 OUTLAND Applicants

    I get a feeling we had the same people handle our applications. They lost my very first form in the whole application when I applied Aug, 14, 2014. I had to call them and finally got that information out of them in November. Resubmitted the exact same form back to them. Approved SA Dec 15...
  8. S

    US outland applicants' thread :)

    Yes unfortunately we are an August applicant. Still in Application received for the second stage. They lost our first page from our application in stage 1 so we had to resubmit that. They never told us. We had to phone to find that out so it delayed our SA until Dec 14. Our medical is also...
  9. S

    September 2014 OUTLAND Applications

    I'm an August applicant that never signed up to the forum, just lurked but seeing that you guys lost the September spreadsheet, I just happened to have downloaded it on April 29, so I decided to sign up. Here's a link to it so you can compare to the great new one that MariaC made. I'm not...