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  1. fugaziosbourne


    Where is this nice weather that you speak of?
  2. fugaziosbourne

    canadian immigration

    Great story. It had something for everybody.
  3. fugaziosbourne

    Question regarding Express entry with Canadian spouse

    Can you apply under the EE program if you are married to a Canadian? The Nova Scotia Express Entry forbids this. Is this the same for the federal program?
  4. fugaziosbourne

    Confused and stressed!!!

    I think I lost my reading comprehension skills for a minute. I'll delete that post since my info was completely wrong. Thanks for catching that.
  5. fugaziosbourne


    This is spot on. I've been saying the same thing for a long time. I know I wouldn't be as irate about the situation if the CIC would just say what the issue is instead of saying nothing or just lying about it for months. I guess I was naive for expecting Canadian politicians and government...
  6. fugaziosbourne

    Will there be any good news for Inland applicants???

    I am going to consult the magic 8 ball.... http://www.ask8ball.net/ "Outlook not so good"
  7. fugaziosbourne

    Will there be any good news for Inland applicants???

    If you think it's too much, wait until you hit the 15 month mark.
  8. fugaziosbourne

    The person being Sponsored not being able to work

    I already knew about that one, but it's good to share that info so someone doesn't trip up if asked by CIC. My logic is we wouldn't' have hired a contractor, especially at insane Canadian prices, to do this work even if I was legally able to work. But I doubt the CIC would agree with me, so I'm...
  9. fugaziosbourne

    The person being Sponsored not being able to work

    I have completely gutted and restored our kitchen and master bedroom in our house, built a new front porch and completely changed the landscaping in our back yard. I signed up for a German language course in the new year. There are lots of things to do with all this unwanted free time.
  10. fugaziosbourne

    Calling all GTA applicants, Protest against delays in Ajax Thursday at 2pm

    Where were you? Don't criticize those of us who made the effort.
  11. fugaziosbourne

    I thought American citizens needed a passport to enter Canada

    You can get a passport at the embassy. I came to Canada without one. It's pretty much the same process as if you're applying for it in the states. http://toronto.usconsulate.gov/service/passports-and-citizenship.html
  12. fugaziosbourne

    USA drivers license ==> Ontario drivers license. HOW???

    I took my (expired) drivers license, my passport and 7 year driving record. They give you a paper copy of your G license which you can drive with until you receive your card which takes about 2 weeks. It was $80 and took less than 30 minutes. I went to the College Park office. I will say the...
  13. fugaziosbourne

    I thought American citizens needed a passport to enter Canada

    When I moved here in 2012 I crossed the border with just my license. I didn't have a passport at the time. When I applied for my passport at the embassy they seemed surprised that I had been allowed in.
  14. fugaziosbourne


    Ha. I'm not Canadian(yet) so you're right about that. The guy does look like a creep, I can't be the first person who has noticed.
  15. fugaziosbourne


    Here are a few ideas for what to put on the shelters. 1. "Chris Alexander, are you a failure at everything you do or is it just limited to your job? 2. "Chris Alexander...Resign!" 3. "Chris Alexander, why do you look like an extra from The Walking Dead?"
  16. fugaziosbourne

    Is legal status now required for In-Canada Spousal or Common-Law sponsorship?

    Well, you should have been able to predict this. Canadians are known for their psychic abilities...and superhuman strength.
  17. fugaziosbourne

    Is legal status now required for In-Canada Spousal or Common-Law sponsorship?

    I know where you can stick those two cents...
  18. fugaziosbourne


    Re: mp involvment Your MP sounds like a good guy who cares. We need more people like that in office. Unfortunately, you will soon find the immigration critic, Lysane Blanchette-Lamothe, is next to useless and her office will just give you the Conservative party talking points, even though she...
  19. fugaziosbourne


    I'm betting on July 30th again. Seeing the same date posted again and again makes me feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day.