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  1. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    And nowhere or no one i can contact to clarify and be certain it is legal? At least somewhere where it says what a visitor cannot do? Something to show that is not illegal in order for them to be sure they could help me?
  2. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    Is there anywhere where i can read i can do that as a visitor? Ive looked everywhere. A legit site stating what i cant and can do as a visitor?
  3. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    So, just to be clear: I can visit Canada for 6month and in that time i can take a short term course and look for a job. In that time if i get an employer willing to get a positive LMO, i then can apply for temp work permit or even PNP for perm residence? Is it possible? What do i need to do...
  4. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    Someone told me that looking for work while visiting was illegal. Is it? Said that if i was staying with them visiting and looked for work, not only was it illegal but they would also loose their permit for helping me. Because if it is so, it makes it a lot harder to do something.
  5. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    Thank you scylla for the fast reply, But i was under the impression that a visitor wasnt allowed to do anithing. Assuming id take a less then 6month course. Could i then stay and find a related job? And if the course is more then 6month, how does it work in order to take it and get a job ?
  6. J

    EU citizen settlement in Canada

    how did it turned out for you?
  7. J

    Study Permit to qualify for a Trade to WORK on

    Hi there, Although my question is simple i couldnt find a clear answer so far: Can i apply for a Study Permit if atending a Trade Course (over 6weeks long).? I dont mean a College or University, say it is only a qualifying Course. (eg. Masonry Course ; Truck driving school or Carpentery) I am...
  8. J

    Class l Drivers Licence in Alberta

    Thank you so mutch for making it simple. That means im in a bit of a stall since im not a professional driver (i would very mutch like to be though) and dont have Canadian nor Overseas professional experience. That makes it even harder to achieve. Almost impossible really... I will take a look...
  9. J

    Class l Drivers Licence in Alberta

    Thanks for the quick reply PMM but i didnt quite understood (sorry, i dont know if it was lack of my english or your punctuation) and pay for the full ammount again, plus all the trainning time? Do the "Driving Schools" give you the apprenticeship also? So one can have at least some experience...
  10. J

    Class l Drivers Licence in Alberta

    Thank you i have already read that, but i dont quite understand this: I have drivers licence B, C and D, thats about every car or truck as long as it does not have a trailer of over 750kg, and all Buses also( that is your class2 i think). And im also thinking of applying for C+E that would...
  11. J

    Class l Drivers Licence in Alberta

    Thank you for the reply but my question was more about if an european drivers licence, C+E, that is the equivalente to your Class1 or Class3, is acceped to exchange for a Alberta's licence. Assuming that the residence is Alberta and handing over the old licence. Is it possible to do that?
  12. J

    Class l Drivers Licence in Alberta

    Hello, are there still these possibilities for an european to exchange a drivers licence? please inform of any news/changes, thank you. Regards
  13. J

    military drivers licence

    Thank you mr msaeed, for the quick answer and info. Its just that i would love to be a Heavy Haul Operator and i need to know how to get there. Im not young and i am abroad so its not easy to find a solution. I dont even know what licences there are for Long Haul drivers and heavy machinery, or...
  14. J

    military drivers licence

    Hi, does anybody know if a european military drivers licence (Class 3 equivalent) is viable to validate for a canadian one? From what ive read the normal drivers licence isnt recognized therefor one would have to take new exame and, if has more then 2year experience it would go directly to class...
  15. J

    How to find a employer???

    From what ive read its 10k eatch family member
  16. J

    How to find a employer???

    Id like that but, From what ive seen it isnt possible since i dont have the minimum funds they want. Is there something im missing?
  17. J

    Security guard qualifies for AINP

    http://www.canadavisa.com/canadian-provinces-offer-permanent-residency-to-semi-skilled-workers.html http://www.workingincanada.gc.ca/search_occupation_allnoc.do does it still apply?
  18. J

    Toronto (GTA) Networking

    Hello guys So how are you doing by now? Have yoy got jobs already? Toocareless1, how did you get you permit and what kind of permit is it? How did you do it without a previous job offer? How was the Security Guard course? Looking forward reading from you.
  19. J

    About job offer

    Hi, How did he get an offer letter? He didnt apply? Regards
  20. J

    How to find a employer???

    thanks again for the quick reply. As ive been informed, my drivers licences have no value in canada. I can only take the driving exame and go directly to G. But thats it apparently. Id have to take all the others driving Classes and consequently pay it all (again), so it doesnt look like the...