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Search results

  1. H

    Can I fxxk WES!!

    My report is completed in April 25th, and send same day through FEdEx without tracking number. After several days of email, calls, today I found they chaned my delivery information, delivered in April 30 th with a tracking number!! Can I fxxk WES!!! I spend 100 for international carriers and...
  2. H

    Main duty in work experience

    The form IMM008 schedule 3, question 11, work experience require us to list work experience in past 10 years. However, one of my job start from 2001/11 to 2003/8, should I enter 2003/5 to 2003/8 or should I enter 2001/11 to 2003/8? Alo for the main duty, can everyone fit it in only 4 short...