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  1. L

    Help: Inland vs Outland Process & Timeline

    Dear forum members, Hoping you could share your recent knowledge or/and expertise. My fiancee and I are trying to determine the Pros and Cons between inland vs outland spousal sponsorship. I knew that the timelines and process has changed since December 2016 but I am still finding a lot of...
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    Best Plan for Super Visa Health Coverage

    Hi All, I've been surfing through some health insurance borker sites and finding a little bit of difficulty finding out if there is any offering coverage for non-emergency doctor visits. I'd like for my parent to get checked by a doctor while in Canada but wondering if it'll be covered since...
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    Super Visa Health Insurance + International Coverage

    Hello forum members! I am looking for a health insurance provider that can offer a plan that will satisfy the Canadian Super Visa for my parents as well as cover their health insurance at other international countries as they plan to tour some other places before and after their visit to...
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    FSW Federal Skilled Worker Requirements for UK cizien

    Hi all, I got a simple question, please help me find out and post your sources (I tried googling around but no luck!) My friend is a British citizen intending to apply for the Federal Skilled Worker program. I have two questions: 1) as a UK citizen, speaking english as his first language...
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    Super Visa Health Insurance - Help please

    Thank you very much Scylla. Your answer was brief but I couldn't have understood it more, amazing!
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    Super Visa Health Insurance - Help please

    Greeting everyone, First, I'll admit that I tried to google search and look around the forum for something that can explain to me more about the Super Visa health insurance. I am worried that I'll fall unto the hand of brokers, so I'd appreciate real people who have real experience of how this...
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    Wife expecting child within first 3 months in Canada

    Hello everyone, I am asking for a friend who got accepted to come and study in Canada. His wife wants to accompany him, she is pregnant and will be expecting to deliver within the first 3 months when they arrive to Canada. I know that they aren't eligible for MSP (Medical Service Plan) until...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Thank you nima, I think I might write a letter to CSIS. cheers.
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    My MP office said that they only received request for security screening in beginning of this year, which is right after it was assigned to the officer. Nima, I thought everyone goes through Security screening? Are you saying that it takes 5-6 months for everyone of for those who went to...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Hello All, It would be great if any of you who already had PR or know people who did to share the timeline it took for the security screening stage. From my understanding, it starts after you pass your medicals (when the officer has been assigned to it) So far, mine has been taking 6 months...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    This thread isn't seeing that much activity anymore. Does this mean that the Pre-September 2011 applicants are all good except me, nima and a few others? Do any of you have a lawyer that helped speed up the process? I am seriously sick of the waiting, whoever said PNP is a fast track program...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Hi A2work, I haven't looked at the bridging program, maybe I will, because CIC is always going to disappoint. nima514, I am not sure which stage you are in in your application, but maybe you'd know a thing or two about the GCMS notes. I am having a little difficulty reading them. Last...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Same here, Started the whole thing in Jan 2011. Got nominated by province with the program they consider to be a fast track PNP (they even charge you $500+ i think) then received by federal on Jun 2011. Since then, I've been waiting. My case was assigned to an officer on Dec 2012, since then...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    For those like me in the "In Process" status and stuck at security check, which no one knows how long it might take. I read this in another thread or website in regards to this topic: "Anyone in this sort of situation DOES have an option: if you are really fed up with waiting and have been...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    I am a June 2011 applicant, so i'd like to pass my condolences to everyone who's applied before me and haven't got this crap sorted out yet. I've tried everything I could (Contacted MP, Minister, CIC) and everyone has replied saying they can't do jack. Currently and for more than...
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Hello Nima514 and ama2010 the MP i emailed is the actual NDP MP of the area I reside in peterjulian(dot)ndp(dot)ca
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    I emailed my MP and my email was totally ignored :( what to do?
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    When I called the CIC contact number, they said I just have to wait and that it should be done by July since it's a transfer from buffalo. It's a stupid game they play. I emailed minister and no reply (obviously)
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    BUFFALO APPLICANTS - File transferred to other VO due to Buffalo closing down

    Same boat, june 2011 applicant. ecas status "in process since Dec 2012"