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  1. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Visa granted!! He had to go redo his photos but she gave him an address and 30 min and he brought them back. Visa's are good until October 2013 so he is going to come first and daughter will come later. he still needs his letter from work but he told me he needed his Visa first. He flies back to...
  2. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Yes, it's a view issue. CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm was in disbelief too... I'm still not saying much until the Visa is in his hands. haha. I called CIC call center and read him my reps email and told him what they said, and he told me it was not an interview, but the Visa because they are required to...
  3. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Thanks so much!!! I'm still in shock. I thought for sure this going to be a long hard fight. I guess I send just enough and waited long enough to apply!! Yippee. I am not going to go to embassy and go back when he flies home with me. I think I'm making the right choice there. Thanks for all your...
  4. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    I got home yesterday, Embassy wrote my Rep today and Hubby got the call. They told him he needs to be in Embassy Thursday, January 24 at 830 am and asked him if his daughter was travling with him. He said yes. They said to bring both passports and 2 photos for the Visa. (Gave him demensions). He...
  5. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Forgot to mention that Ecas online states Havana has application Dec 7 and is now in process....
  6. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Hi Ladies, I am not having the trip of my life like I hoped. It's been really difficult with what happened. I am home Jan 13. I still have no call from the embassy. Starting to lose my mind. I think it's almost harder to wait for the call here than at home. I've considered staying until...
  7. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Thanks everyone for your support over the past few months. I am about to pack my laptop. I am leaving in the morning and never been so happy, nervous, excited!! Merry Christmas to all of you. I have internet there in our house, so I'll be in touch!!!
  8. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Thats is great news. Is the first step of many to come, and it gets more and more exciting and frusterating as the time draws closer to the end.... but none the less, this is a very big step and is your application date!! Congrats on being an Auntie too!! Very big day for you! God Bless to the...
  9. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Thanks Avana, no, no file number or UCI number. And she used my maiden name not my married name. Hubby wants her to send the correct information. He wants to have her just send an email stating she sent the fax in error and that I did not request anything to be sent to Havana, that we were...
  10. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    I'm soo angry. I never told them to send it to Havana. They looked up the fax and address on thier own and didnt even let me see the letter before it was sent. I have grounds to sue for breach of confidentiality, dr told me that herself and would settle out of court, but that she could not see...
  11. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    OMG!!! My doctor just fucked up royaly. She faxed the letter I wanted for the interview straight to Havana today, used my maiden name, and said in the letter I'm waiting for my Visa to join my husbnad, and that I've been only just given the go ahead to travel since September. I called freaking...
  12. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Mine says in process too as of Dec 7.... we are so close ppsandy79!! i don't think anyone has had thiers change before being called for interview. They must have told Havana to smarten up and do thier job!!
  13. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Hi Everyone.... I have been so busy getting ready to go!! Monday morning is finally arriving!! It's been 7 months since I seen my better half. I feel nervous to see him it's been so long haha....I always hate the peering in the windows, watching me struggle with mountain of luggage too heavy for...
  14. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    YAY!!!! I can't wait!! ...and only 7 sleeps until I see my family!! ....and we got the liberation, will be ready on Wednesday!! Seems like everything is coming together!! Luvcuba...this too shall pass!! I know everything will be OK... stay positive, you know you have the Visa approved and that...
  15. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Avana, we have a representative, can she fill out the form for him?
  16. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Ladies, how do I order the GSM notes??
  17. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Double Rainbow I love your energy and positivity!!! ;D It always cheers me up and gives me a boost of energy to keep waiting!!!
  18. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Do you you think it's time I ordered my notes? File transfered to Havana Oct 2, so they have probably only had it a month....but I'll be in Cuba for a month. Or should I order them when I am there? I have email there and can open them....what is the process to apply for them?
  19. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    We met, spent a month together, I returned 4 months later and married. But our families have known eachother 10 years, my mom's bestfriend and his grandmother. We submitted the application 15 months after being married. We had a total of 6 months living together in Cuba when we applied (not at...
  20. DDG

    Havana, Cuba

    Ok got in touch with him, he said phone is on, but service is bad today.... I paid the residency fee I didn't pay up front. Called CIC twice today, one guy told me would be in system within 2 weeks, the other guy told me it would be same process time as sponsorship apps. Either way, that's...