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  1. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    سلام , شكرا جزيلا عاى المعلومات القيمة وأسأل الله الموفقية والفرحة وجمع الشمل للجميع
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Thank you very much wa Baraka Allaho bike seydati.
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Thanks a lot for the very good information.
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    File sent to amman visa office on May 7, 2102 and was finalized two days ago, سلام , رجاء من يعرف أسم شركة البريد , الموثوق بها والمضمونة في يغداد والتي يمكن بواسطتها إرسال جواز السفر الى السفرة في عمان لختم الفيزا ومن ثم تعيده لصاحبه في العراق ؟؟؟؟؟؟ Please I need a name of good...
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salaam Sister Nasser and sister I Kat, شكرا جزيلا سيدتي على هذه المعلومات الواضحة جدا وبلغت بها زوجتي بالعراق وانشاءالله تحصل عليها . كذلك شكري وتقدير لكل الأخوة والأخوات لتجاوبهم معي وانشاءالله اكتب لكم كل ما يستجد وأسأل الله أن يوفقنا جميع أمس أستخرجت زوجتي من دائرة الأحوال قيد دار...
  6. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salam Sit Roro, Thanks a lot for your ongoing support. I already went to my MP and they are really helping me and they contacted Amman . and because of that I got this letter and also another letter in last December. I just don't understand why the Visa Officer is doing that to me. Anyway, I...
  7. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    سلام سيدة رورو , شلونكم ويا هل البرد بكندا , انشاءالله تكونوا بخير وعافية , بالنسة لقيد الدار , زوجتي أولا ذهبت لنفوس النجف وأخذت منهم كتاب الى دائرة نفوسي بالبصرة و بنفوس البصرة أضافوا أسمي الى هذه الورقة وهي تشبه اسمارة قيد الدار أو قيد دار بالضبط ورجعت بها للنجف حيث أشروا ذلك في...
  8. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salaam , و شكرا جزيلا على مساعدتك , الرجاء إكمال فضلك عليي بأن تكتب لي من أين وكيف بالصبط يستخرج دفتر العائلة أو ورقة أفراد الأسرة وللعلم انا الزوج في كندا والكفيل لزوجتي وهي في العراق وأنا لا أستطيع السفر للعراق ولكم خالص شكري وأمتناني
  9. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    salam SoSo , thanks for your respond. I did that and sent it to them more than once, they still asking for FAMILY LIST . Wallah I do not know what exactly asking for . And that's why I am asking for help in Iraqi Arabic. what documents they are asking and where ( which office in Iraq ) to get...
  10. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salam and Happy New Year to all, I received the following form the Visa Office in Amman and I really do not know what exactly they want and where to get it from. Please explain that in IRAQI ARABI ACCENT and not in English : Kindly note that we have received a copy of the Wife's...
  11. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salaam and congradulation for the visa and inshallah you arrive in Canada safe and very soon. Please: when exactly did u send first time your application to Mississauga ? Also when exactly your file was sent from Canada to Amman ? Please let me know and thanks a lot.
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    mabrook congradulation for arriving to Canada. Best wishes to u and your spouse and inshallah u will have happiest and best life in Canada.
  13. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salaam wa Eid Mubark to all , It is really too much depressing but u can do nothing but wait wa inshallah u got your visa in the few coming days after Canadian Thanks giving holiday and Eid al adha holiday .
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    SALAAM RORO , SORRY TO HEAR SUCH DEPRESSING NEWS AND INSHALLAH IT WILL BE SOLVED VERY SOON . Why did the Jordanian Airways refused to give you the visa , and you were visiting Amman recently ? لزوجتي حصلت على فيزا لعمان هي وأخوها العام الماصي من مكتب الطيران الذي أشتروا منه تذاكر السفر , هل...
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    salam wa alf alf mabrook and inshallah you arrive in Canada very soon and enjoy Eid al-Adha here.Once again congradulation to u and to your husband.
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    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Hi everybody, My wife did the 2nd medical examination on July 12, 2012. Then in August she got the trucking Number when she called Ibn Bitar hospital. I sent this number to the Embassy immediately. The embassy today sent me e-mail saying that they haven't received the results yet. Could this...
  17. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    سلام . انشاءالله خير والله السفارة مصختها ويانا , هاي صار أكثر من 3 أشهر ما خلصوا معاملة أحد ولا أحد يسأل بينا ونحن نضرب تخته رمل عن الأسباب من أنتقال الى بناية. سهلها يا رب. جديدة الى أضراب الى فتح سفارة ببغداد الى تعيين سفير جديد. وما ندري السالفة وصدقها وين .
  18. M

    Amman - Spousal Since January 2012 or Late 2010

    Salam SARM90 , Inshallah this problem will be easily solved. As for getting a visa from Iraq to Amman, this is what my wife did: Exactly this time last year ,from a travel agency she booked a return ticket from Najaf to Amman and back to Najaf and her brother accompanied her and there was...