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  1. K


    I recall reading somewhere that Filipinos are also on this list due to their strong work ethic and family values. Hence, the very short processing times there as well.
  2. K

    Manila Visa Office Passport Request preparation

    That would be great if it were in English.
  3. K


    If you feel so strongly about your situation then why in the world would you choose NOT to appeal solely on principle? It is ridiculous that you would cut off your nose to spite your face. If you are so ready to give up on Canada without even an appeal it makes me wonder how strong your ties...
  4. K


    I just finished going through the 20+ pages in this particular thread. Something rather interesting kept coming up time and again. 99.9% of the appeals in this thread involve people from countries such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, etc. (brown countries). Yet, none were from countries like...
  5. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    Ummm, read between the lines of the OP please. It was all part of the plan. No, I was not assuming that he knew of her preganancy ahead of time. If she was prego on arrival, well.. hehe, that would mean she was fooling around back home. This was purely planned. Where is the OP anyway? Why...
  6. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    You are 100% correct in saying that they have every right to apply for an extension. She is only applying for that extension as her and her scamming husband knew very well THAT SHE WOULD NOT GO HOME AS PROMISED TO THE CIC officer. Let her apply for her extension as she is legally entitled to...
  7. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    Sorry to hear that you also were rejected MRS SAM. They gave her a visa because she and her husband are good liars. We can all see that she never had any intention on returning to Pakistan.
  8. K

    Mailing your application to the cpc in Mississauga? READ HERE

    If I were you, I would start a claim with Canada Post for a proof of delivery. They must give you a refund if they cannot locate your package. Canada Post does not like to give refunds. Trust me, they WILL find it and you will then have your proof of delivery.
  9. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    Nope. I was born and raised in Ontario.
  10. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    Your situation is a little different JamGirl. And, it is PRECISELY BECAUSE of people like the OP that your significant other was, or would be, denied a TRV. As for your comment that I can't judge based on one post.... WELL, give me a freakin' break and give your head a shake. In the plainest...
  11. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    Why not totally blame the OP? I don't give a flying F**K if she is pregnant. His wife came here on a TRV. That TRV was issued on the premise that she would leave. She NEVER had any intention on leaving. It was all part of the scam for these people to circumvent the rules and jump the queue...
  12. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    If you are here as a visitor, pay your own freakin' bills. I don't believe that anyone should be given free healthcare on the assumption that their PR application will be approved. How many apps are refused? In the meantime we should pay for these bogus applicants? Especially when they are...
  13. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    I am a firm believer that if you are a citizen of this great country then you are entitled to reap the rewards whether you are on welfare or not. BUT, UNTIL THEN, why should I have to pay the bills of VISITORS here? If you are without status here then you must pay your own bills. Too many...
  14. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    When planning for a family, wouldn't it make sense to do so when life as a little more under control? Like, when everyone is settled in and not at risk of being given the boot? HELLLOOOOO!!!!! Oh, I already have been paying up. For the past 7 years as a matter of fact. That is just a little...
  15. K

    Professional Suggestion Needed - Can anyone advise me?

    How is this going throught the backdoor? Everything is legit and above board. What would NOT be legit would be intentionally getting my gf pregnant with the hope of H&C grounds to speed up my application. Next, this person will be claiming refugee status if her extension is denied.
  16. K

    Canadian Immigration Crackdown on Fraud

    WRONG! Most countries do NOT allow for it.
  17. K

    should i be worried

    You can check the progress/status of your file online. https://services3.cic.gc.ca/ecas/?app=ecas&lang=en
  18. K

    Canadian Immigration Crackdown on Fraud

    Ok, fine them then. Who is going to enforce the fine? The Chinese gov't will laugh hysterically. Farting anywhere and everywhere is normal practice in China. Doubt that would alert anyone. Finally, last I heard it was boat loads of Sri Lankans... NOT Chinese.
  19. K

    Spousal Sponsorship - Income Test

    Thanks for the replies. Now it makes sense.
  20. K

    Canadian Immigration Crackdown on Fraud

    Where is the "LIKE" button? :D