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  1. S

    Denied entry a few years ago....passport stamped in January?

    Hey guys, been a long time since I was on here,hope everyone is ok. About 4/5 years ago now I traveled to Canada as was denied entry (through no fault of my own, long boring story for another time lol) I traveled with my mom for her Birthday in January this year for a 1 week holiday, we were...
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    British visitor to Canada question

    All you really need to show that you will return is - Return flight tickets Proof of funds Hotel reservation Letter from employer Those are the major things, and even then they may not ask you for all of it. Make sure you have printed copies of everything with you. I've just came back from...
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    Only allowed to stay for 6 days

    Sorry for late replies people. Basically about 3 years ago now I was rejected entry into Canada and had to leave voluntarily, the agent at the time said the incident was not my fault but they couldn't allow me in as I didn't have sufficient funds etc plus what I said a few posts above.. So...
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    Only allowed to stay for 6 days

    Last time I came I left voluntarily as the person who I was coming to see didn't turn out to live in the country and i couldn't get in contact with them when i had arrived, and I was on the assumption I would be staying with them, so I didn't have a hotel etc,so I left voluntarily after I was...
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    Only allowed to stay for 6 days

    No, the passport only has the date that we entered the country, we got a certificate that says that our stay is valid until Jan 26th for bad weather purposes, but that's it.
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    Only allowed to stay for 6 days

    We only booked 6 days because we didn't expect our money to last as long as it has, and usually it's 6 months without a visa, so we only booked 6 days to start with and then we were going to go on from there.
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    Only allowed to stay for 6 days

    Hey guys, I'm currently in holiday in canada, I'm with my mom and it was originally for 6 days, but I have enough money to stay at least a week in another hotel, is there anyway I could stay over the 6 days that I was told I had to leave after or? Thanks guys
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    Taking Portable Hard Drive into Canada

    Hello, I'll be visiting Canada in January for a holiday of 5 days, and I want to take my Portable HD with me, it's got my movies etc on (I won't be taking my laptop), I'll be putting a back up of our flight tickets, insurance etc on the HD, as well as photos that we take as it can hold a lot...
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    Taking Portable Hard Drive Through Border/Customs?

    The only thing it will have on it is movies and that's it, won't have any personal info on it etc. Since it's only a holiday it's more to watch on the plane and in the hotel at night rather than pay for movies.
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    Taking Portable Hard Drive Through Border/Customs?

    I'll be going on a holiday to Canada in January next year and will be taking my portable DVD player and hard drive with me, the movies that are on the hard drive (about 220) are all copied on from DVD's that I own (all bought legally). If searched, can the Border Officer claim that the material...
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    What Documents To Show At Border?

    Hello everyone, Me and my mom will be traveling to Canada next year from the United Kingdom for a 5 days holiday (late Christmas present) Last time I went I was probably under prepared in terms of documents I had available and due to circumstances at the time. So what documents will I need...
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    Apply for a work permit from inside Canada?

    So I couldn't apply for a work permit from inside Canada, all would have to be done before hand?
  13. S

    Apply for a work permit from inside Canada?

    I was reading about this a few days ago that in some circumstances you can apply for a work permit from inside Canada, one of those circumstances is if you have a Temporary Resident Permit which is valid for 6 months. Being from the UK I don't require a TRP to stay in Canada for 6 months, can I...
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    Applying for a Visitors Visa, UK Citizen?

    It was a bit of a complicated matter when I got stopped. I've asked this before (sort of, not directly this line of question) the IO in his report said I didn't have strong ties to my family, but he didn't ask me a single question about my family, he also listed my job title completely...
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    Applying for a Visitors Visa, UK Citizen?

    If I contact them (had a check and it can be done via email) can I speak directly to an immigration officer and get any sort of written proof from them that I contacted them etc?
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    Applying for a Visitors Visa, UK Citizen?

    Hello, Me and my mother will be taking a trip to Canada next year to Toronto for 2 weeks as a birthday present to her since she's always wanted to go, the dilemma is, I was stopped from entering Canada a few years ago, the IO thought I was going to stay in the country for work (even though I...
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    Working Visa information - Permanent Visa?

    I'll be 22 at the time and I'm a UK Citizen. What is required to get an LMO? Anything particular? Thanks for the info.
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    Working Visa information - Permanent Visa?

    Hey Guys, I will be going to Canada next year with my mother and to visit my girlfriend etc, I may have a job lined up and I'll be meeting the manager when I'm over there, my question is, what sort of Visa can I get? He's talked about a 2 year Visa, but I don't know if that can be extended or...
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    Denied Entry Into Canada On First Visit, Going Back Again?

    Hello, I wrote about this back when it happened, about 2 years ago now. I went to Canada for a Holiday but was rejected entry on the grounds that the IO thought I would remain in the country to work etc, even though I had a job here in the UK, I was also going to visit my girlfriend who it had...
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    Moving to Canada, the basics?

    Hello all, I'm looking to move to Canada some time next year if possible, I have a job offer from Canada with a construction company, full time,permanent job. Manager says he'll help with all of the relevant paper work for a Visa etc. My question in general is how do I go about it, and will I...