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  1. S

    Original trv is now on a damaged passport. I'd like to renew my trv with the new passport. Please advise

    I'm in Canada on a study permit. Unfortunately some time early this year, I damaged my passport just before applying for a study permit+ trv extension. I went ahead and applied for study permit extension only, As I awaited for my new passport to be delivered. I now have the extended study...
  2. S

    My passport got damaged before I could extend my study permit. Do I fill in old pp number on imm5709e??

    I need to extend my stay. Unfortunately my passport got damaged recently. On the extension document thry need my uci and passport number. Do I give the old passport number or the new number?
  3. S

    What document should I get from my landlord as proof of accomodation to show at point of entry?

    I'll be renting off-campus. What should I show at point of entry as proof of accomodation?