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Search results

  1. Myrlande Backer

    NOC 2174 category- Area of study different from work experience.

    J ai termine avec la Gestion depuis 2018 J e suis la recherche dun vrai response bpour avoir la lettre CIC NEWS pour la Bourse d Etudes
  2. Myrlande Backer

    NOC 2174 category- Area of study different from work experience.

    Si vous voulez augmenter votre point , vous devez trouver une lettre nominations d un province quelc onque
  3. Myrlande Backer

    PR with Saskatchewan nomination program

    Bonjour a Tous, moi je venais de remplir la forme pou CIC News letters, ils m ont dit ils vont etudier mes dossiers afin que je puisse trouver la reponse affirmative. J attends leur reponse definitive.
  4. Myrlande Backer

    PPR Expired due to Covid-19

    Nous sommes Dans le meme bateau j ai ecrit pour UNE demande on me fait savoir ils vont etudier mes dossiers pour savoir si je dois avoir la bourse pour le Manitoba.
  5. Myrlande Backer

    Frequency of GCMS notes

    We re lost our time. You get right
  6. Myrlande Backer

    Provincial nominate

    Can you send me the link please
  7. Myrlande Backer


    Thanks vmy friend
  8. Myrlande Backer


    I was working in operator in folder in SGNCRS at Port au prince . which PnP should I go for me. Can you advice me please!
  9. Myrlande Backer


    Hi , all my NOC is 1122 I have been applied for Subscribe in University Manitoba to find a scholarship but The Empower told me is name doesn't writing in this program. What's you re suggest me please! We re in the same boat.
  10. Myrlande Backer

    Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) under express entry - connect here

    Slut mes amis . Essai de m aider j ai trouve la faveur de Empower financial aide pour la bourse d etude , j ai donne le nom de l Universite MAnibota on me fait savoir son nom n est pas inscrit . Donner moi un autre University et que son nom devrait etre inclure svp
  11. Myrlande Backer


    Those things are so complicated here, that's why I need to know too
  12. Myrlande Backer


    I am Ex Directrice Pedagogique of vocational School ok
  13. Myrlande Backer

    Anyone need TEF study material?

    bmyrlanda9@gmail.com meme Quand je ne sais pas exactement envoi le pour moi SVP et merci davance
  14. Myrlande Backer

    How we can find the resident permanent for workers qualify?

    Thanks for your answer what does mean U of M please!
  15. Myrlande Backer

    Ongoing Express Entry - Federal Skilled Trade - FST

    Hi Guy, how many DOLLARS cost for to find a VISA Entry EXPRESs and how many Months it wit realize, I had like to know that
  16. Myrlande Backer

    How we can find the resident permanent for workers qualify?

    Hi Guy, can everyone help me about University Manitoba I m subscribe but I m waiting a good answer about the scholarship
  17. Myrlande Backer

    Quand Dieu combat , Il gagne toujours.

    Hi , guys, how re you, I am submitted my application since 14/22/2007, they re never contact me , what's wrong? Can someone help me please! Why I m in confusion.
  18. Myrlande Backer

    CRS about it ok.

    Go to Google and write CV Canadian it will be help you ok