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Search results

  1. frustratedSDS

    New Travel Restrictions - does it apply to students?

    At this point I am not really sure. That's just pure injustice if by then no decision for all backlog hasn't come out yet.
  2. frustratedSDS

    New Travel Restrictions - does it apply to students?

    I already started last Fall 2020 and am currently enrolled in Winter 2021.. I guess technically I only have until 30 April to land..
  3. frustratedSDS

    New Travel Restrictions - does it apply to students?

    https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/service-delivery/coronavirus/temporary-residence/study-permit/pgwpp.html Outside Canada Time spent studying outside of Canada in a post-graduation work permit-eligible program...
  4. frustratedSDS

    New Travel Restrictions - does it apply to students?

    Students with AIP are only given until 30th of April to land in Canada. I assume these are the students that do want to come, as they do not want to be disqualified for PGWP.
  5. frustratedSDS

    Gather Around: SDS Applicants Awaiting Final Decision

    Preface Understandably enough, we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic. We are all unwilling participants in this war. We are all frustrated. Non-SDS applicants, yes. SDS applicants even more so. There is so much that could have already been done. Applicants waiting since March means that...