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  1. J

    Disclosure of Visa refusal for other countries

    Hello friends, I am completing my TRV application form and one of the question it asks is to disclosure whether I have been denied visa to Canada or any other country in the past. I just want to ask is it important to disclose that I was rejected US visa twice, will it affect my chances of...
  2. J


    Hello everyone, I am little confused here. Please help me understand how many total letters with be included in my TRV application. 1. Invitation letter from my host 2. Cover letter (what should be in it) and should it be separate for me and my mom. 3. Purpose of visit letter (the application...
  3. J

    Low bank balance of Inviter/Sponsor

    Hello, I want to know what role does Host/Invitor's bank statement plays in a visitor visa application. My invitor only has $1500 in his bank account, will that play a negative role in the application. Would appreciate responses. Thanks
  4. J

    URGENT: Cover letter format for TRV - Bryanna

    Hello Bryanna, Can you please help me draft a suitable cover letter for TRV application. Also if we are applying on paper, where do supporting documents have to be attached? Should it be at the end of the core application. Also do I need to get all of the documents notarized? If sending...
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    Experience with immigration consultants

    Does anyone know if YES immigration in Toronto is a good place to get visitor visa form completed? Also please share your experience with using additional help when completing application form for visa. Thanks Jessica
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    Visitor visa from Pakistan - September 2015

    For all those who have recently applied for TRV from Pakistan, how many days has it taken on average to receive CIC response. Is it really 72 days as mentioned on their website.
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    For all those applicants who were refused TRV for Canada, I have created this thread to share reasons and whether second attempt was successful. Please share your information for the benefit of others. Jessica
  8. J

    Expert advice on visitor visa case

    I need advice on the probability of getting visitor visa for the following case: 1. Male single age 30, owns business in Pakistan, has property in his name and a good bank balance. Does not have travel history except visa of Dubai and Singapore in past 10 years. Has letters to prove his ties to...