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  1. G

    Post ITA ADRs - Additional Family Info

    Hello Friends, I have received IMM5406 Additional Family Info ADR, I have filled this form and is ready to upload, however, I have one below concern - As form asks Family members present address , so for my father, he is living in US where he had filed and is awaiting for his U visa .We have...
  2. G

    Work Experience Between 47 and 48 months, how many points ?

    Hi Experts, Any one who got CSQ or has been through this circumstance, please answer. Thanks in advance.
  3. G

    Finding a Speaking Partner - #IELTS#April

    Hi Folks, I am planning to practice for speaking section with someone who is also appearing for IELTS in April. Please let me know if any one interested
  4. G

    Work Experience Queries - Mon Project

    Hello Guys, Answer to below query make me in or out as per new point changes ???, please if someone has similar work time period do answer me pls I have 47.8 months of experience till i submit my mon project app Will they award me points for 47 months only ? Wont they round off ? Thanks in...
  5. G

    Work Experience - Can one provide Roles and Resp using affidavit ?

    Hi Guys, Please if any one of you can confirm if any one has provide his/her roles and resp using affidavit for an employer and got CSQ? 1. If No, What to do if employer has policy(specially employers in financial domain) no to disclose work related roles and responsibilities ? 2. If yes, Had...
  6. G

    Who got CSQ with English as primary language only !

    Hi Guys, Please notify if anyone who got CSQ with English as primary language only i.e without French, Also please describe if french currently is necessary in order to get through interview or get CSQ ? Does any one landed without french ? As if above not the case one should start grooming...
  7. G

    Landed in Quebec Or Going To, Please Share Experience.

    Hi Quebecers :), Please share your journey, how much patients and TIME is required when file status is "Waiting for Treatment", Do anyone you know got rejected? , please provide some proactive action that needs to be taken , do you think online system can reduce processing time?, how tough is...
  8. G

    Official Length Of Study - CBSE

    Guys from CBSE education, can anyone tell what should be official length of study 1. For HSC 2 or 1 year(s) 2. For SSC 2 or 1 year(s) ?
  9. G

    Mon Projet Form Filling Queries - Indian Candidates

    Hi guys, I have problem in asserting below - 1. How to get exact date of start of B.techs in India?? 2. Does B.tech appears in drop down list while filling diplomas in mon projet ?? 3. Does Computer Science AOT appears in drop down list while filing AOT in mon projet Please anyone...
  10. G

    Difference between written comprehension and written English IELTS marks

    Guys please help me out In 2 does we have to fill overall IELTS score ?? 1. Under Résultat en compréhension écrite, type in the result you obtained in written comprehension, as indicated on your document. 2. Under Résultat en expression écrite, type in the result you obtained in written...
  11. G

    3500 Max Recieved...

    Guys are v not able now apply ????
  12. G

    Error Code 20 !!!!

    Guys since yesterday night am receiving this error..... >:( Using 3g 1.6 mpbps , does anyone with this speed logged in???