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Recent content by spacey

  1. spacey

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Just to continue the funny things about ecas.... We still have not recieved notification on there that my husband was approved. We did however find out yesterday that he had landed at pearson last week!
  2. spacey

    Thread for October 2010 Applicants

    I was hoping after a week away that there would be more updates! I hope everyone waiting has something to keep them busy this weekend and that there will be inboxes full of requests to start of the week!!!!!
  3. spacey

    Thread for October 2010 Applicants

    My husbands passport arrived today. He will be landing for sure on the 24th. I hope the next week will just fly by and the weather will cooperate for next weeks driving!!!!
  4. spacey

    Other people have no idea what we go through

    Well i just had a great laugh reading through many of your posts! Mandi I can relate to the not working thing. I spent 8 months waiting on my visa in the uk and had to live off my husbands meager student loans and my savings at the time. I was constantly told why do you just work we need...
  5. spacey

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I take a forum break for a day (got called into work and was too exhausted to even think about the computer at the end of the day) and we get all this action. Mandi I can so understand where you are coming from. I told someone last night that I found the last two weeks more stressful than the...
  6. spacey

    WEIRD sTuFf in Canada !! - humour, mmm, maybe - we all need a smile :)

    This made my laugh. One of my favourite strange things that happens here is the stupid grins- especially women have whenever my husband opens his mouth and talks. I can remember being at KFC and my husband ordering something and having to ask three times, and the girl finally was like i did...
  7. spacey

    Thread for October 2010 Applicants

    It will be requested of the Applicant
  8. spacey

    Thread for October 2010 Applicants

    A big congrats on all the approvals, we are in the process of packing up my husband. He lands on the 24th I can't wait. We think his passport might have been returned today but in his style he wasn't up when the post arrived!
  9. spacey

    How long after you met face to face, did you get married?

    began talking online september 2002 Met in person march 2007 Moved in together May 2007 talked about marriage from the begining. officially Engaged December 2008 Married July 31, 2010 spent the last 6 months of engagment and first 6 months of marriage long distance.
  10. spacey

    Speeding in a car

    In Ontario they would have probably lost the car for Racing or whatever they classify it as. I watched it happend to a couple of ladies last summer. 110km in a 50... can't say i had much sympathy.
  11. spacey

    WEIRD sTuFf in Canada !! - humour, mmm, maybe - we all need a smile :)

    Since we were on the topic of Beer. People find Canadian English strange times with its mix of British and American spelling(s) and then according to my husband the langague is just plain wrong- He is hyper annoyed with our plural use of the word beer. He always tells me although its one sheep...
  12. spacey

    OHIP only valid for 9 months?

    I really don't know too much about this, but having someone that is so unsure of things I would be calling Service Ontario for advice.
  13. spacey

    Provisional Licence

    Well the only way the G2 effects you once you are over 19 is insurance and the absolute zero for alcohol. The g2 exit road test is a pretty simple task, hwy driving, a parrallel park,and an emergency road side stop as i remember it . You said she had been driving so should not have a problem at all.
  14. spacey

    WEIRD sTuFf in Canada !! - humour, mmm, maybe - we all need a smile :)

    Haha kelkel i was going to ask were they are living... Because in Northern Ontario everyone talks to everyone. My husband is always embarrassed by me. We will walk away from people and he will be like who was that? my response is normally I have no idea... he says but you seemed to know them...
  15. spacey

    Thread for October 2010 Applicants

    vt, It is funny you should say that. I found the same thing. I was really obsessive when we first sent the application off and then up until last week other than one or two bad days I had accepted waiting. Congrats on the Update I hope you hear Something Soon :)