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Recent content by loverly

  1. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Britincanada, have you received any notice from CHC-London about them having received your medicals? I am just wondering because it just says on our eTRAC that 'we've begun processing on XXX" but nothing else. We did submit the copy from the doctor with our application, so I would hope there's...
  2. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    I can't believe they can keep your passport for so long...what if your job requires you to do some traveling while you are waiting for the visa? I would think that once they ask for your passport they should be ready to put the visa in it and send it back to you right away.
  3. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Thanks, it's nice to know we are hopefully in the last phase of the waiting process. 3 weeks for a PPR sounds really fast! I've read in some other threads that some offices will just go ahead and request the Passport but will still take a long time (a month or more) to actually issue the visa. I...
  4. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    eCAS status was finally updated today to "In Process" in London starting July 20. Will the AOR be coming to me in Canada or to my BF in England? If it's going to BF then the mail sure is taking its sweet @$$ time since it's been a week now and still nothing. Now I just have to hope for a quick...
  5. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    My letter approving my sponsorship finally arrived yesterday. Now it's time to settle in for the even longer wait at CHC-London for the PR to be approved. Here's hoping that it will take only the minimum two months, or even less! I'm so tired of feeling like my life is 'on hold' waiting for this...
  6. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Ah, no wonder you got yours quicker than me. I hope my letter arrives tomorrow. I got all excited today when I checked the mail cuz there was one of those brown envelopes that government stuff always comes in, but it was from the CRA :( Do you mind me asking what your sponsorship situation is...
  7. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    My letter was supposed to have been mailed out on July 7, but since I'm in Alberta I still haven't received it yet. Stupid slow postal service...why does Canada have to be so BIG? z4s, what province are you in?
  8. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Congrats britincanada! Your application was processed so quickly, I'm jealous! Our application arrived in Mississauga on June 7, so hopefully our eCAS will be updated next week, or the week after that at the latest. One question, are you the sponsor or the one being sponsored? We are going...
  9. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Hey June people, I just checked the CIC website and it looks like they are up to applications received by May 28 and are at 41 days. Looks like those of us who sent our applications in the first week of June should be expecting some news in a week or two!
  10. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Just an update, and to keep this thread from being buried, our package was 'successfully delivered' this morning according to Canada Post. Let's hope everything progresses smoothly from here...
  11. loverly

    Thread for Applications Sent in JUNE 2010

    Nobody has started this thread yet, so I am writing the first post. Just got back from the post office after dropping off our application package. It's a mixed feeling of relief that we don't have to worry about putting the package together anymore, and nervousness wondering if we did everything...
  12. loverly

    Naturalized Canadian Citizen

    Can anyone else provide an opinion? Please and thank you, I need as much advice as I can get.
  13. loverly

    Naturalized Canadian Citizen

    I was came to Canada in 1990 when I was 5 years old as a dependent child of my parents. In the Application to Sponsor and Undertaking (IMM 1344), it asks: 10. Are you a Canadian citizen? [ ] No [ ] Yes > became a citizen on Permanent resident? [ ] No [ ] Yes > became a permanent resident on...
  14. loverly

    Police Certificate Expiring During PR Process

    I'm wondering if I should tell my bf to go ahead and apply for another certificate while we're at it...I don't want to have to wait an extra 6-8 weeks if CIC-London decides to ask us for a new Japanese certificate. This also reminds me, he was living with me in Canada for the past year (just...
  15. loverly

    Police Certificate Expiring During PR Process

    Hello, We are hoping to get our PR application in by the end of May, early June at the latest. Our problem is that we had applied for my bf's Japanese police certificate (he lived in Japan for 2 years) back in late March because they told us it would take 6-8 weeks, but we actually received it...