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Recent content by LifeIsOverRated

  1. L

    internship program

    hello sir, I applied for agricultural internship program and they will provide me a job for 12 months maximum. the question is, I will have a work permit after I arrive or not? can I change job before internship ends so I can stay longer?
  2. L

    will my money get taxed ?

    hello sir, If I go to Canada for work and bring with me 20,000 dollar and deposit them in a bank account. will they get taxed? this amount is for buying a car and some living expenses.
  3. L

    can I work in canada with tourism visa?

    can I apply for work permit from inside canada? ;D still need LMO though but will it be more easier to get LMO? since I'm inside and can go in person to people and talk to them without email that never get answered. :o
  4. L

    New Citizens

    since you're a refugee that means you will be killed or sent to jail if you go back to your country. ;) ;) question: why it took so long to get permanent residency? 2 years? :o :o
  5. L

    can I work in canada with tourism visa?

    hello sir, can I enter canada with tourist visa and then search for job and work? what is the problem with doing that?
  6. L

    how can I apply for pilot projects?

    how to apply for semi-skilled work permit? because it does not require LMO. please tell me I'm listening.
  7. L

    how can I apply for pilot projects?

    hello sir, how can I apply for a pilot project? for example truck driver in Alberta ? what is the procedure ? I'm 20 year old by the way. thank you
  8. L

    is there any jobs that do not require LMO

    is there any jobs that do not require LMO?
  9. L

    I want to visit canada

    I don't know where you learned how to read. it's for tourism not work. how to add my father bank report properly?
  10. L

    I want to visit canada

    hello. I want to visit Canada for tourism. only me. what form should I fill. and my father is funding me so how to add HIS bank report.
  11. L

    how to get jobs for foreigners?

    thank you sir for the quality links. I don't really know anymore, I've hit a dead end. mazes and empty circles just to get good life and make my parents happy.
  12. L

    how to get jobs for foreigners?

    hello sir. how can I get a job from outside Canada. All jobs I saw are available for people inside Canada. Please help. thank you.
  13. L

    Bus Driver Jobs in Regina and Saskatoon

    do I dream? please help a poor desperate man with this job. I'm excellent in English and respect all kind of people. I just want to escape middle east (IRAQ) and get a life :'( for humanity sake, please tell me what to do to get this job (I'm outside Canada)