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Recent content by Kimbo.780

  1. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    singapore is a joke.... my wait is now 11months and 15 days. they sent my old lady all our pics, paper work, etc back to her on june2010 and a letter saying she on the interview list. In that letter it also says they will contact and inform her the date, time, and location of her interview...
  2. Kimbo.780

    2 Questions

    Hi and thank you for reading my topic, my wife got back all of the pictures, papers, and other evidence of marriage back form Singapore on June 8, 2010 She also got a letter saying shes on the interview list and they will contact her the time, date, and location of her interview. i got 2...
  3. Kimbo.780


    hey eveyone, i got some news from singapore couple weeks ago. Singapore sent my wife all our pictures, other paper work, and a letter saying shes on the interview list. So Singapore will contact her the time, date, and location of her interview. is there anything i should know or do when she...
  4. Kimbo.780


    Omg durianfruit! its almost over for u. i honestly feel like i dont give a f*** about this long process anymore. this is soo ridiculous, iv been on this site for a while now, i seen alot of ppl going through "SINGAPORE" office and its seems like everyone is getting their PPR first then me. when...
  5. Kimbo.780


    Its been about 7 and a half months for me, and still nothing. no new, no letters, nothing... iv been patiently waiting, but those patients is turning into WTF's taking soo long patients. sometimes i dont know what to do, i know everyone says all u can do is wait but its really frustrating when...
  6. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    hey Durianfruit Still no new from singapore, Nothing at all. my spouse is from cambodia. yeah its still in process, nothing has changed in ECAS. yeah i know im also frustrated at singapore. like iv seen other peoples timeline in this site and they're soo luckey to get their PPR wayy faster then...
  7. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    hey ggood congrats to you. the long wait is over, wow u have waited 9 months, im at 7months and 11days, i was wondering when u guys landed in vancouver, what kind of questions did the Immigration officer asked u?
  8. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

  9. Kimbo.780

    Singapore visa office?!

    YESS! its usual for singapore office when u dont hear anything from them. iv been waiting since oct2009 for my application and i havent heard anything yet. its been 6 months now and im still no PPR. Hopefully i get some good news this week or month.
  10. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    yeah i know...im still hangin. :-[ as soon as my wife gets her PPR, i will be online and i will tell u guys
  11. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    WTF??? how come some of these guys get their PPR first them me? russell_rulez and fruittropics sent their applications later then i have and they got there PPR. SINGAPORE WTF ARE U DOING WITH MY APPLIACTION?!!!! :'(
  12. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    hey guys, Did anyone get any good new from singapore yet? i hope my wife gets her PPR this week, this whole application/visa process is making me soo depressed. why couldnt they just tell us a set date for PPR? But im still hanging in there and keeping my fingers crossed. keep positive ;)
  13. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    Hey fruittropics I wanted to know when u received your letter of PPR, did your husband also get any letters or any notice that u got the PPR? Because I would like to know that my wife got her PPR, Im just worried that maybe they sent my wife's PPR and it got lost in the mail somewhere. I feel...
  14. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    Hey ggood how long have u'v been waiting? its been 5months and 18days for mee ??? im hoping for some news from singapore this week :-[
  15. Kimbo.780

    Singapore timeline

    Hey all, First all Congrats to fruittropics!! The waiting game has been OVER for you. Your timeline is almosty the same as mines but over on my end...still no news, no NOTHING!! :'( Hopefully i get some good news soon or early this april. Im soo sick of wait this long process. Sighh..... :(...