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Recent content by jdjd

  1. J

    Coming back to Canada only few days before my visa expires.

    Thanks for reply. I am aware of that. Well, I will give it a try, cause there is nothing else I can do at the moment :) I will have a letter of job offer, letter that we already started the LMO process and I am ready to explain my whole situation. Just wanted to know if anyone here has...
  2. J

    Coming back to Canada only few days before my visa expires.

    Hi guys, I am Czech citizen, currently hold a year visa and wp. Now I am on holiday back home and going back to Canada in few days. Should I expect any problems at a port of entry while coming back to Canada on the current visa? My current wp and visa are about to expires in 1 week? My employer...
  3. J

    Coming back to Canada only few days before my visa expires.

    Hi guys, I've got a question. I am citizen of Czech Republic, currently hold a year visa and work permit (sponsored by employer). My visa and wp is good untill Nov 3 but: right now I am back home on holidays and was planning on getting a new wp and visa based on an LMO here in Czech republic...
  4. J

    extending WHP to positive LMO... best way to get it done?

    Hi all! I would like to ask about my case, cause it seems to be little tricky. Hopefully someone has got experienced something similar. I am 28, from Czech Republic (need visitor visa to Canada). I have been on my working holiday program (WHP) until August 18th 2010. Before it finished, I...
  5. J

    My special case - illegal?

    OK, with visitor... its clear.... but any answer to the case to be still working? Thanks
  6. J

    My special case - illegal?

    Hi, here is my case. There might be a lot of people already experienced the same... I am form Czech Republic (need a visa to stay in Canada) currently on WHP. My work permit expires by 18/08/2010. Today is 9/08/2010. I would like to extend my stay here while be able to work. I found an employer...