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Recent content by dj322

  1. dj322

    Canada/UK double taxation query

    Hello all, I am a UK and Canadian citizen currently working in the UK. I will be moving back to Canada in January 2021 and will continue to work remotely for my UK company from there. I have done this once before and ended up being double taxed and then having to claim a refund back from the UK...
  2. dj322

    Mum to visit Canada for longer than 3 months, NHS implications

    Thanks for your response, I think my concern is if she comes for example in 2021 for 6 months and then goes back to the UK for 3 months and then comes back again for another 6 months, would that cause issues? She would only be coming over as a visitor with travel insurance.
  3. dj322

    Mum to visit Canada for longer than 3 months, NHS implications

    Hello, I am a UK / Canadian citizen. My Mum, who is retired and a UK citizen, wishes to come and visit me in Canada. I understand the NHS is based on residency status. Is she allowed to come and visit me over 3 months in a calendar year? As I understand it, if you come and live for longer than 6...
  4. dj322

    October 11th 2017 - Citizenship Applicants under 3/5 rule

    I sent my application in Oct 2017, had a request for fingerprints early January and since then nothing. I did email CIC and they advised they received my fingerprints and were continuing my application. My application is in Vancouver. Has anybody else had a bit of a wait too? I noticed other...
  5. dj322

    Brit citizen married to Canadian citizen looking to move back to UK

    Hey all, I am a Brit and my wife Canadian, we have been married for nearly 4 years and living in Canada since (me with PR Card). We are thinking of going to live in the UK for a year or two (so my wife can experience living in my home country) and wanted some advice. Does anyone have...
  6. dj322

    U.K. Parent sponsorship

    Hi I am a UK citizen with PR and am looking to sponsor my parent. I noticed on the cic website that I must show option c printouts for the previous 3 years. I have only been working in Canada in what will be the last 2 years and before that I was working in the UK. Does that mean I can't...
  7. dj322

    2013 Tax assessment Canada / UK

    Hi guys, So I arrived in Canada in April 2013 and have been teleworking from here for my UK company until late 2014. I was granted PR early 2014. After months and months of waiting around CRA finally decided I am deemed a resident and owe taxes from Apr to Dec 2013 for the tax year of 2013...
  8. dj322

    Brit dude going from PR to Canadian Citizenship

    Hi all, I am currently a PR within Canada. In terms of citizenship, I understand I need to be physically in Canada for 3 years out of 4. Does this mean I am not allowed to go on vacation out of the country, such as for 2 weeks with my spouse who is a canadian citizen?
  9. dj322

    Sibling sponsorship

    I am married to a Canadian citizen. My mum is still alive and I live in the province of BC. It's daft that I can't sponsor my brother but rules are rules I guess.
  10. dj322

    Sibling sponsorship

    I have a sibling who is under 30. Is there anyway I can sponsor him to come to Canada? I am a permanent resident. I would like us to be reunited and just wondering what options we have if any.
  11. dj322

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Me and my wife would like to go to the UK for a short period of time to live there and work. My question is, can my wife work in the UK or would she need some kind of visa? I am a UK Citizen / Permanent Resident and she is a Canadian Citizen.
  12. dj322

    UK Car Insurance query

    Hey all, So I am a UK citizen who is living in BC as a Permanent Resident. I exchanged my UK driver's licence for a BC one recently. I happened to be in the UK last week and wanted to drive in the UK so my brother was going to add me to his car insurance. However, he was told I could be added...
  13. dj322

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    Hey all, So I am now living in BC as a permanent resident. I went to take out car insurance recently and was told my driving experience and clean driving record from the UK would not count for any premium discounts here unless I get a letter from my previous insurance company to state that I...
  14. dj322

    Thread for Outland LONDON, UK Applications!

    I have received a letter in the UK regarding registering to vote for the electoral register. I'm now a permanent resident living in BC. Do you guys know what forms I might need to fill out to register / vote from abroad?
  15. dj322

    Waiting for PR Card after landing - add your case here

    Hey all, Please add my case to the spreadsheet. I landed on 26th April 2014 at YVR Received my PR card yesterday (8th July 2014) Hooorayy! :D