bobo244's latest activity

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    bobo244 posted the thread Co op in International Students.
    I have got a study permit and a co op work permit. My current course has two components, theoretical and praticuum. I will have finished...
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    bobo244 replied to the thread Co op.
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    I have got a study permit and a co op work permit. My current course has two components, theoretical and praticuum. I will have finished...
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    bobo244 replied to the thread Co op work permit.
    So, in September finish theoretical part of my course. September to July, second course after having changed the DLI and program my...
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    Hello I have got a study permit and a co op work permit. My current course has two components, theoretical and praticuum. I will have...
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    bobo244 reacted to Naturgrl's post in the thread Change of School with Like Like.
    How long have you studied at the school on your study permit? Are you in Canada?
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    bobo244 reacted to Naturgrl's post in the thread Change of School with Like Like.
    So you are finishing the semester, and then changing school (you haven’t dropped out). If so no issue, in changing DLI.
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    bobo244 replied to the thread Change of School.
    Yes, I am going to finish my semester, Thank you for your answer.
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    bobo244 replied to the thread Change of School.
    Mine was approved before January 22, 2024. I am in Canada studying since three months ago.
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    If I had a study permit valid, but I want to change my program. Do I need the provincial acceptation letter of the province of my second...
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    bobo244 replied to the thread STUDENT.
    Fortunately, you have no idea how hard is to be victimised, so believe me, as you put it looks hard, and it is likely harder in reality...
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    bobo244 reacted to canuck78's post in the thread STUDENT with Like Like.
    You appear to be mostly focusing on not having enough funds to meet the new savings requirement for new international students although...
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    bobo244 replied to the thread doubt.
    of course I cannot, I do not see future, nobody can do that, but I am going to try, I believe I can, so the die is cast now. Thank you...
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    bobo244 reacted to canuck78's post in the thread doubt with Like Like.
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    bobo244 replied to the thread proof of funds.
    Yes, I qualify. thank you for your answer.