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Recent content by Ahmad K.

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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    New missions schedule http://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/publications/en/divers/Programmation-missions-travailleurs-lieu-en.pdf
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    nop, i dont think so ... u have to count starting from the date u submitted all required documents. note that ur documents were complete in June 2011 .. whereas, mashraf file was complete in Dec 2011 .. so i think it makes sense that mashraf received an email before.
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    Good news, but any reference Lemans ?
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    Perhaps you didn't know about that when u applied, yet this doesn't make it their mistake its urs. Just think about it, why they are adding 10 points for the one who has a job offer, why they give double points for those who have canadian certificates in the category of are of training, why they...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    yes cherif u r right, thats why in my first reply I said .. that it deserves depending on age all of us were disappointed by the long delay in the processing .. but for me if u r confident about ur plans .. u will try to benefit from these years while u r waiting by saving more money that will...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    I heard a lot of arguments about moving to canada, and its really strange when it comes from those who are applying to immigrate there what makes them in a big contradiction. The idea is that most of those who apply for immigrating to canada assumes that they are supposed to arrive to the...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    yes it deserves .. (depending on ur age )
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    Hi all, Congrats. for Ahmad & Lemans, wish u the best in the next steps ... I'm just confused about one thing ... why they updated the date of missions schedule .. without updating the schedule itself !? ... anyone has an idea ?
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    No my friend, he didnt add a spouse, he already submitted his application including his spouse, all what he sent is here university degree (as she wasnt graduate when he applied)
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    Hello Guys, Nice to hear the good news again and that things are moving properly, congrats to all those who received an appointment for their interview and those who already got their CSQ. I'm worried about one thing, i have a friend who submitted his application in Dec. 2010 and within the...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    thx for info guys, then Victor nothing to worry about .. as they will mention for us the visa office
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    i dont know if the rules changed now but im talking about what mentioned in the official website .. and what they informed me in beirut visa office when i applied for CSQ there !
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    Dear vector, for the federal application, they ask u in the application form to mention which visa office you choose for processing ur file (either the one in ur country or that of the country u are living in) ... so in that time u may decide which one u choose, in our case .. if we choose our...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    first if u moved to KSA .. that doesnt mean that ur application will be transferred to KSA, so ur visa office is still beirut. second, regarding ur file competion i think .. it will be considered complete since applying date (if they didnt ask later on for any documents from their side) ... and...
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    Quebec 2010 Applicants Damasucs Visa office

    =========================================================================================== NAME APPLIED IN SUBMIT. Date AOR DATE Doc's. Sent FILE NUMBER INTERVIEW DATE...