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I need help, please anyone with useful info should help a brother


Jan 17, 2019
Greetings all

I got admission and have applied for study permit twice. They rejected me in all and I’m trying to give it a third trial but I’m looking to see if I’ll get a sample of strong study plan guide to help me write a good letter of intent. I’ll be waiting for replies and anyone with useful info can also email me on n.damiann@hotmail.com


Jan 17, 2019
Thanks and sorry for not mentioning the reason for my refusal, first they said that I don’t have enough money and that I did not satisfy them that I’ll leave Canada after my studies, then I reapplied and with enough money in my account, they refused the second time and said that they’re not satisfied that I’ll leave Canada at the end of my studies


VIP Member
Sep 14, 2017
You say enough money, but how much money do you have and what source did you give them? You generally need the first years tuition and a minimum of 10k a year.
What college and what course were you applying for? Do you have a job in your home country? Do you have enough ties in your home country (family, property etc) How old are you? Have you had any education in your home country?


Jan 17, 2019
Yes I have more than $10,000 in my account after paying my tuition of $15,000 and yes I had my secondary education in my home country and I’m working with my family company. I got admitted into Mennonite University Winnipeg, Manitoba. It’s peace and conflict resolution and it’s a 4 years course. I’m 20 years old and I’ve been working with my family company for couple of years, sorry the first time they complained about my travel experience too but I visited London, England on October 1st 2017 and returned on 29th December 2017 also


Champion Member
Jun 21, 2018
Visa Office......
What you need is not a strong study plan. You need to make sure you address the issues that led to the refusal. If they said they are not satisfied that you will return to your home country then you need to address that.

Family ties---Explain how you have to go back to your family etc, you plan to go back home for the holidays, may be at-least once a year during the 4 years of your study.

The family business- If you can show that you will still be needed to work in the family business after graduation ( if what you are going to study is connected to the work you were doing, or will be helpful to the business after you graduate, then you can also use this to show that your getting the opportunity to further your education in Canada is of significant to the family business; you will return home to work in the family business)


Jan 17, 2019
What you need is not a strong study plan. You need to make sure you address the issues that led to the refusal. If they said they are not satisfied that you will return to your home country then you need to address that.

Family ties---Explain how you have to go back to your family etc, you plan to go back home for the holidays, may be at-least once a year during the 4 years of your study.

The family business- If you can show that you will still be needed to work in the family business after graduation ( if what you are going to study is connected to the work you were doing, or will be helpful to the business after you graduate, then you can also use this to show that your getting the opportunity to further your education in Canada is of significant to the family business; you will return home to work in the family business)
Thanks a lot and I’ll do as you said