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Jun 24, 2014
Hi Friends/Experts,

Just to know the difference between Australia and canada immigration and more over I know this Canada forum but to get better understanding from different experts for both the countries.

These countries are geographically in different location even then my mind is poking get information.

1) Cost of living between 2 countires.

2) Education for kids.

3) Health insurance.

4) Climate.

5) Opportunities for getting jobs( espically IT in that SAP) in both countries.

Friend you can add your own points if come across for this countries.

Thanks & Regards,


Champion Member
Oct 14, 2013
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Weather wise Australia is better. Also outside qualifications and experience are accepted in Australia.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2014
I don't know much about Canada but I can certainly speak for Australia.

1) Most capital cities in Australia are pretty expensive. Median prices in capital cities is like $500k+. With a lot of nice inner city suburbs getting closer to $1M+. That's not to say you won't find a decent house a bit further out for $350k to $400k. Day to day expenses are also higher compared to countries like the US. The up-side is higher pay-scales in general. The minimum wage is like $15+/hr or something like that. Low unemployment rate. etc

2) Free to very low cost education in public schools, where majority of Australians go to.

3) Health system is quite good. Medicare covers costs in Hospitals and GP visits and a % of specialist costs. Private insurance is pretty good with a flat-rate premium irrespective of age, pre-existing conditions, sex etc.

4) Climate is awesome. You can choose from gloomy Melbourne weather to sunny Perth to pleasant Tasmania. This is a big factor for most people immigrating to Australia. Beach and outdoor lifestyle is better than most ...

5) Opportunities are plenty for people with the right skills. I know some people struggle at first but most of them settle down sooner or later. SAP jobs are easy to come by if you have experience from MNC's. Do a search on seek.com.au.

6) I guess Canada and Australia are similar in a lot of ways. With Canada citizenship you can work in the US(I think). With Australian PR or citizenship you can work and get instant PR in New Zealand. You can also work in US with a special E3?(instead of H1B) visa for Australians.

7) Both Canada and Australia tax on worldwide income for "tax residents"

8) Australian PR is much more streamlined and transparent(I feel) and quick with the new EOI system.

I would like to know the answers to those questions for Canada :)


Champion Member
Oct 14, 2013
Job Offer........
Heard that Racism is more in Australia? Canada PR process is very long and cumbersome. Canadian need work permit to work in US, but it is easy to get if you have US job. Cost of living in Canada is too high. For family monthly expenditure will be around $ 3000/= including house rent.


Star Member
May 3, 2013
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28 April 2011
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Thanks for sharing the Australian experience.



Hero Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Compare the cost of living in both of the countries from the below given link....


I think it will help you...
Apr 5, 2014
I have never visited Australia but I can say something which I know from my colleague who is a Canadian and have worked in Perth, Australia for 2-3 years for our organization's Australia division

He says that "he found Australia way to expensive in every aspect when compared to Canada", pls mind that these words come from a senior professional working full time for a multinational organization.

I moved to Canada 2 years back and I'm well settled now and IMHO although it is a fact that Canada is really cold but its really a hype that people spread that this cold weather is a major hindrance infact once you get acclimatized life is just absolutely normal, it doesn't stop because of weather conditions, moreover summers are beautiful......I love Canada :) with all due respect to Australia


Hero Member
Nov 30, 2012
auscanada said:
I don't know much about Canada but I can certainly speak for Australia.

1) Most capital cities in Australia are pretty expensive. Median prices in capital cities is like $500k+. With a lot of nice inner city suburbs getting closer to $1M+. That's not to say you won't find a decent house a bit further out for $350k to $400k. Day to day expenses are also higher compared to countries like the US. The up-side is higher pay-scales in general. The minimum wage is like $15+/hr or something like that. Low unemployment rate. etc

2) Free to very low cost education in public schools, where majority of Australians go to.

3) Health system is quite good. Medicare covers costs in Hospitals and GP visits and a % of specialist costs. Private insurance is pretty good with a flat-rate premium irrespective of age, pre-existing conditions, sex etc.

4) Climate is awesome. You can choose from gloomy Melbourne weather to sunny Perth to pleasant Tasmania. This is a big factor for most people immigrating to Australia. Beach and outdoor lifestyle is better than most ...

5) Opportunities are plenty for people with the right skills. I know some people struggle at first but most of them settle down sooner or later. SAP jobs are easy to come by if you have experience from MNC's. Do a search on seek.com.au.

6) I guess Canada and Australia are similar in a lot of ways. With Canada citizenship you can work in the US(I think). With Australian PR or citizenship you can work and get instant PR in New Zealand. You can also work in US with a special E3?(instead of H1B) visa for Australians.

7) Both Canada and Australia tax on worldwide income for "tax residents"

8) Australian PR is much more streamlined and transparent(I feel) and quick with the new EOI system.

I would like to know the answers to those questions for Canada :)
+1 for you!


Full Member
Jun 18, 2014
ttrajan said:
Heard that Racism is more in Australia? Canada PR process is very long and cumbersome. Canadian need work permit to work in US, but it is easy to get if you have US job. Cost of living in Canada is too high. For family monthly expenditure will be around $ 3000/= including house rent.
1) Regarding cost of living. $3000/month won't get your far in Australia. Rent for a 3BR house/villa is close $2000 a bit outside of inner-city. And $1000 barely covers food, insurance, entertainment etc. But then again $100k pay packages are the norm for people with good skills. Spouse can also work part-time/full time for an easy extra $50k+ for not so skilled jobs.
2) Racism is everywhere in the world and comes in various forms. Most of it is pretty harmless. Targeted racism is a different matter and does happen in most if not all countries. The media stir up about those incidents in Australia were blown way out of proportion and I don't want to discuss them again. I guess what I am trying to say is that you are much less likely to get hurt/abused in Australia than some random mugging/homicide in the US, for example. The crime rate is not as low as in Singapore but it is relatively low compared to the US.


Full Member
Jun 18, 2014
My_story_2012_now said:
I have never visited Australia but I can say something which I know from my colleague who is a Canadian and have worked in Perth, Australia for 2-3 years for our organization's Australia division

He says that "he found Australia way to expensive in every aspect when compared to Canada", pls mind that these words come from a senior professional working full time for a multinational organization.

I moved to Canada 2 years back and I'm well settled now and IMHO although it is a fact that Canada is really cold but its really a hype that people spread that this cold weather is a major hindrance infact once you get acclimatized life is just absolutely normal, it doesn't stop because of weather conditions, moreover summers are beautiful......I love Canada :) with all due respect to Australia
Your colleague is right. Australia is expensive, period. But that's the price you pay for lifestyle, in my opinion. One good thing about Australian PR is that it doesn't really expire. Sure the re-entry permit expires after 5 years like in Canada but at present you can apply for a resident return visa anytime after expiry of re-entry permit. You'll be given a 3 month visa and you can move back and re-establish ties and regain PR status.

It's a fast changing world out there. Who knows which country is going to come out on top in the long run ... If you are in your prime then make way to as many countries as you can. As you get older, you won''t get a new PR even if you tried.

By the way, anyone know of any EU countries that do offshore PR? ;D


Full Member
Jun 18, 2014
bidesh said:
Hi guys,
Any one know about the child care allowance comparison between these two countries.
Don't know the exact numbers but friends tell me that Childcare allowance is not that great in Australia. I think some of the allowances are even means-tested but don't quote me on that.


Champion Member
Oct 14, 2013
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How is the job opportunity ?