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Leaders from Canada, the US, and Mexico will be meeting on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 to mark the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). During this meeting, all three countries will be holding talks to discuss further integrating their commercial ties.

According to country representatives, one goal of the talks will be to come to a new agreement that will speed up the cross-border movement of business travelers to and from NAFTA member states. This movement may be facilitated by establishing a North American system for pre-screening business travelers.

Frequent travelers to Canada and the United States may already apply for a NEXUS card. NEXUS card holders can facilitate their border clearance, as they have already been deemed low-risk visitors and pre-approved for travel in either country. Other trusted traveller programs are also in operation by NAFTA member states.

Officials from the US and Mexico have gone on the record to say that talks will be held on how these various trusted traveler programs could be better harmonized and integrated by all three countries.