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Misspelled name on Canadian Visitors Visa

Jul 12, 2018
Would anyone know what can be done. Or what to do regarding a visitors visas having their name misspelled.
If there is a possible number we can call or the best procedure we can do to fix the problem.


VIP Member
Apr 15, 2018
Would anyone know what can be done. Or what to do regarding a visitors visas having their name misspelled.
If there is a possible number we can call or the best procedure we can do to fix the problem.
When you collected the passport did you collect it in person or what is sent back to you by post/courier ?

You may have to write directly to embassy which issued you the visa.

I did not have an issue with the name but one of my dependents visa validity date was not in line with mine. I collected the passport through the agency rather than the embassy and they played like they do not know anything.

Searched the Canadian embassy website contacted by email, dropped them a polite email explaining the case. They did take around a good 7-10 days to reply back, but reply was positive and they asked me to resubmit my dependants passport with a return courier. They did not entertain any queries by phone in my case